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Professor Wang Wei visited Moscow Archaeological Institute, Russia Academy of Sciences

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-03-22


       From 1st-4th March 2011, Professor Wang Wei, the head of Institute of Archaeology, CASS, visited Moscow Archaeological Institute of Russia Academy of Sciences at the invitation of Academician Marcorove the head of the Institute.
      Moscow Archaeological Institute is one of the three archaeological institutes of Russia Academy of Sciences. The Institute of Archaeology (CASS) has signed framework agreements of friendly cooperation with the other two located in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk respectively in the year before last.
      On March 2nd morning, in the lecture hall of Russia Academy of Sciences Professor Wang Wei gave a speech titled “The main archaeological achievements of Institute of Archaeology, CASS in recent years”. He made an introduction to the basic information and main research fields of Institute of Archaeology, with the emphasis on archaeological research results achieved in recent years, including prehistoric settlements, the origin of Chinese civilization, ancient cities and ancient cultural exchanges between different regions. His speech aroused great interest in attended scholars, sparking a hot talk with him after the lecture. Surprised by Chinese colleagues’ fruitful archaeological work, they expressed their hearty congratulations and expected exchanges between Chinese and Russian archaeological circles, particular cooperation between the two state-level institutes in Beijing and Moscow.
      In the afternoon, Professor Wang Wei met with Academician Chernenko, an authoritative expert in Paleolithic Russia, the academic secretary of Humanities and Social Sciences in Russia Academy of Sciences and the head of Institute of Siberian History, Ethnic History and Archaeology. They exchanged views on future’s cooperation.
      On March 3rd afternoon, Professor Wang Wei visited to Moscow Archaeological Institute and met with the head Academician Marcorove. They had an intensive and constructive discussion involved in means, approaches, and areas of future’s bilateral cooperation. They reached a consensus to create conditions actively for various forms of cooperation and exchanges. As the first step, the both sides are to immediately identify respective researchers’ areas of cooperation, choose and promote projects that conditions permit and could get started soon. At the same time, according to hopes of the opposite side, the two sides could exchange experts in specific areas and give lectures to enhance mutual understanding and intensify related researches.  (Translator: Tong Tao)