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Delegation of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences Paid a Visit to the Institute

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-03-26

From February 27 to March 2, a delegation of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences paid a visit to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. According to the arrangement, a formal meeting between the delegation members and Institute staff was held on March 1. Vice Director Bai Yunxiang had a constructive discussion with the visitors. The Ukraine guests first gave a very brief introduction to the Institute of History, academic staff and the structure of the Ukraine Academy, and suggested the two sides should collaborate in the research in the rise and early development of agriculture, the roles of the nomadic people in social development and exploring new techniques applied in exhibition of archaeological finds. After that, Vice Director Bai Yunxiang gave an introduction to the recent important research projects and international academic collaboration work of the Institute. He believes that the visit paid by the Ukraine delegation should be viewed as an opportunity for establishing a link between the two sides, and academic staff in the two institutions should work together in the future in academic research and activities. After the meeting, the two sides exchanged books.  (Translator: Wang Renyu)