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20 new archeological discoveries in northeast Syria

From: NetWriter:Date:2011-04-08


A total of 20 archeological discoveries, the oldest of which dates back to 3800 B.C., have been unearthed in northeast Syria, state-run SANA news agency reported Tuesday.

The findings, which were discovered at Tal Barak site in Hasaka province, some 700 km northeast to the capital Damascus, included a huge building with clay tools, Abdul-Massih Baghdo, head of the Hasaka antiquities department, was quoted by SANA as saying.

A 185cm-long statue of female was discovered at the Manbej city near Aleppo, some 350 north to Damascus. The statue, which depicts a veiled woman wearing a long dress and sitting on a chair, dates back to the Romanian era.

According to SANA, the statue is one of the most important archeological findings that have been recently discovered.