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Chinese art treasures shown in US

From:CNTV.CN NetWriter:Date:2011-06-17


The "Summer of China" opened its exhibitions at the Milwaukee Art Museum in the US state of Wisconsin on Saturday.

Over 100 art treasures from the China Palace Museum will be unveiled to the American public in five exhibitions.

According to organizers, the ambitious series of exhibitions on Chinese art and architecture will help Americans gain a better understanding of the Chinese culture.

The Emperor’s Private Paradise will be the main featured exhibition, featuring 90 objects from the historic Qianlong Garden, a two acre meditation area designed for Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong.

Pieces on show will include paintings, calligraphy, porcelains and furniture. This exhibition received great support from both Chinese and American organizers and other sectors of society during its preparation.

At the same time, the first prize winner of "From the East to the West Harley-Davidson 2011 China Contemporary Art Contest" will also exhibit his work "Harley-Davidson and Old Man" at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Milwaukee, Wisconsin is the home of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

Matt Levatich, president of Marley Davidson Motor Company, said, "And for a very important reason that it helps the cultures come together and helps Americans here at Milwaukee understand the rich and deep history of China through these beautiful objects. And that just helps our cultures come together, which we think is a really great thing."

The "Summer of China" exhibition at Milwaukee Art Museum will end on September 11th.