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Professor Jonathan Mark Kenoyer from the University of Wisconsin gave a lecture in IA CASS

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-06-17


Professor Jonathan Mark Kenoyer from the Department of Anthropology University of Wisconsin gave a lecture under the title “New perspectives of the Indus Civilization: Recent Excavations in Pakistan and India” in the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on June 10.

He introduced to the audiences the most important archaeological discoveries at the Harappa and other major sites in the Indus Valley with emphasis on the evidence of social complexity, especially seals, jewelry, and large monumental constructions. The early silk in the Indus civilization and the possible diffusion of bead manufacture technology raised a hot discussion after the lecture.

As the request of the audiences, Professor Kenoyer gave an introduction of his recent research at the Yinxu site in Anyang, Henan Province. His microscope observation and research on the holes in the beads and on the inscriptions on the oracle bones have yield some interesting information pertaining to drilling techniques, personal characteristics of inscription carving.   (Translator: Li Xinwei)