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Peru discovers Inca graves in mountains

From:CNTV.CN NetWriter:Date:2011-06-23


Perched high atop Peru's soaring mountains, archaeologists have recently discovered more than 300 Inca graves. Experts date the site at around 1400 to 1500 AD. Unfortunately, even though the area is extremely difficult to get to, it had still already been ransacked by looters.

Some of the mountain-top tombs still contain the remains of the deceased inside baskets made of woven ropes.

Jorge Atauconcha, head of Chumbivilcas Archaeological Zone, said, "There are various burial styles. We have tombs that are quadrangular, circular, terraced into the rock walls, we have some that are in holes, and we also have some underneath the stone floors."

The most interesting aspect was how the rope baskets functioned as a space-saving tactic.

Jorge Atauconcha said, "These individuals have a funeral characteristic that involved baskets made of rope, and they were woven based on the individuals volume, and each time that they were wrapped, the volume of the body was reduced."

The site is located over 37 hundred meters above sea level, and is situated in between massive rock formations and caves. Experts believe the site could yield more tombs and artifacts, however, the terrain has proven difficult to explore.