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1st century gold bell found in Jerusalem dig

From:Xinhua News NetWriter:Date:2011-07-27


Archaeologists digging near the Western Wall area in Jerusalem's Old City have uncovered a small gold bell they believe comes from the Second Temple period (1st century CE).

An Israel Archaeological Authority (IAA) team uncovered the bell over the weekend while working in a drainage channel leading from the nearby Pool of Siloam.

IAA officials cited the Old Testament's "Tetzaveh" portion of the Book of Exodus, as proof that the bell might have in fact belonged to a high priest.

"Apparently, the high official was walking in the Jerusalem street," IAA's statement read, "and lost the gold bell that fell from his garment into the drainage channel beneath the road."

The excavations are being conducted at the site on behalf of the IAA in cooperation with the Nature and Parks Authority and underwritten by Ir David Foundation.