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Team of Egyptian archeologists finds ancient amulets and statues

From:Yahoo.com NetWriter:Date:2014-02-18
Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities says that one of its teams has found a cache of artifacts dating to roughly 600 B.C. in a northern Nile Delta province of the country.

Minister of Antiquities Mohamed Ibrahim says in a statement Sunday that the team found 43 amulets, a gold-plated mummy mask and nearly 600 small funerary statues inside a pharaonic cemetery in the northern Dakahliya province. Archaeologists also found a cartouche engraved with the name of King Psammeticus I, a pharaoh from the 26th dynasty, the statement said.
According to the statement, one of the amulets is special because it depicts a trinity of three Ancient Egyptian gods — Amun, Horus and Nephthys. Head of Antiquities Ali Al-Asfar says that archaeologists also uncovered two other tombs in the area.