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Sino-Japan project:prehistoric cultural exchange in the Northeast Asia

From: NetWriter:Wang WeiDate:2005-05-13


Project directors:
Professor Wang Wei, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China
Professor Okamura  Michio, Nara Institute of Cultural Heritage, Japan

Contents of the project:
The project is a multi-discipline research of the archaeological discoveries at the Neolithic Xinglonggou site, Aohan Banner, Inner Mongolia. Main assemblage of the site can be dated to the Xinglongwa culture (cal. 6200 BC – cal. 5200 BC). Launched in 1999, the project aims to provide a better understanding of the environment, socio-economic structure, ideology of the culture. It also purposes to investigate the influence of the Xinglongwa culture to the prehistoric cultures in the surrounding areas including Japan. The fruitful cooperation resulted in an international symposium hold at Beijing Hotel in October 2003, during which scholars form China and Japan lectured their researches to the public. Now Chinese scholars are writing the excavation report. Scholars from both sides are preparing for the publication of a book of the prehistoric cultural exchange between China and Japan.