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Sino-Mongolia Archaeological Expedition Discovered Deer Stones and Stone-chamber Tombs

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Wang JiaDate:2005-11-25



In October 13, the Inner Mongolian participants in the Sino-Mongolian Expedition reported this year’s fieldwork. The joint expedition aims to investigate the origin of ancient nomads, interaction, and rise of nomadic civilization in the Mongolian plateau across contemporary territorial boundary. This year it surveyed the valleys of Rivers Kerulen, Orhon, and Tuul in the Övörhangay Arhangay provinces in central Mongolia, employing the mapping, word-documenting and photo-videoing techniques. Altogether it investigated 88 sites, which span the lithic ages, the Bronze Age, and the Xiongnu, Turk, Uigur, Kitan, Mongolian, Yuan, Ming and Qing periods. In particular, it discovered 34 Bronze Age sites, which fall into three categories: Sacrificial sites, deer stones, and stone-chamber tombs. The expedition will be continued next


            (Source: Bei Fang Xin Bao,    Translated by Zhang Liangren)