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Exhibition on Zheng He voyages opens in Myanmar

From:Xinhuanet NetWriter:Date:2006-01-07

     An exhibition in commemoration of the 600th anniversary of Zheng He's Great Western Voyages (1405-1433) opened at the Chinese Embassy here Friday, attracting over 200 visitors including some high-ranking Myanmar officials.

    The 10-day exhibition displays some 47 precious materials and 81 sheets of fine photos portraying Zheng's historical voyages. The exhibits also include a model portraying the leading fleet vessel of Zheng accommodating more than 500 sailors and Zheng's nautical chart.

    Addressing the inaugural ceremony, Chinese ambassador Guan Mu said the aim of sponsoring the exhibition is to cherish the memory of pioneer maritime explorer, uphold peace and spirit of joint development.

    He stressed that 600 years ago, Zheng's expeditions enabled China to go out towards the outside world and the present day after 600 years, China will, in a more positive manner, continue to pursue a road of peace and development, insist on a policy of forging friendly ties with neighboring countries to strengthen exchange and mutually beneficial cooperation and promote joint development and prosperity.

    Attending the event were also Myanmar Foreign Minister U Nyan Win, Deputy Minister of Information Brigadier-General Aung Thein and Deputy Minister of Transport U Pe Than as well as other Chinese embassy officials, representatives of foreign-based missions in Yangon and those of local Chinese community and Chinese companies doing business in Myanmar.