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Website for World Buddhist Forum opens in China

From:ChinaCulture.org NetWriter:Date:2006-03-23

The official website for the World Buddhist Forum, which is to be held on the Chinese mainland in mid April, opened recently in Beijing, according to the China Religious Culture Communication Association (CRCCA), one of the two forum sponsors.

The website, www.wbf.net.cn, will cover many aspects including general introduction, consultancy, message and service.

The forum will be the first international religious conference to be held on the Chinese mainland, a CRCCA official said.

Scheduled to be held between April 13 to 16 this year, the forum will have the theme of "A harmonious world begins in the mind", meaning people from different countries and ethnic groups and with different religious beliefs can work together to build a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity.

"The forum aims to provide both a high-level platform for Buddhists from around the world to have dialogues, exchanges and cooperation and a stage for Chinese Buddhists to exercise their wisdom," said Qi Xiaofei, vice president and secretary-general of CRCCA.

To date, the sponsors have sent invitations to hundreds of famous Buddhists and scholars from 35 countries and the regions of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.