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Ancient Chinese coins unearthed in C Vietnam

From:Xinhua News NetWriter:Date:2007-11-14


A jar containing Chinese ancient coins dating back to the 10th or 11th century has been unearthed in Vietnam's central Quang Tri province, local newspaper Saigon Liberation reported Thursday.

    A metal scrap collector from Trieu Phong district found the bronze coins weighing some 34 kg one meter below the earth surface. One side of many coins has four Chinese characters.

    Most of the coins were made in China between the 11th century and the 12 century in the North Sung Dynasty, and the remainder in Vietnam in the 15th century, said Le Duc Tho, vice director of the Quang Tri Museum.

    In Quang Tri, many kinds of Vietnamese and Chinese ancient coins have been unearthed by local residents in recent years.