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Co-Exhibition will be Held by Xinjiang Turpan Museum & America Natural History Museum

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-05-15


     Recently, a discussion on holding “an Exhibition of Darwin Evolution Theory” from May to October, 2010 at Turpan Museum, has been made. This discussion involves the following three leaders from related museums: Dr. Li Xiao, Director of Turpan Cultural Relics Bureau and Director of Turpan Museum; Mr. Allen, Deputy Director of the Mobile-Exhibition Department, America Natural History Museum; and Mr. Li Chengsen, Director of Beijing Natural Museum. 
The Exhibition will include 6 aspects: Introduction of Darwin, World before Darwin, Lives of the Early Earth, Voyages of HMS Beagle, the Ideal Model, and Development and Evolution.
     Darwin is an excellent geologist, biologist, and a great thinker. His unique Evolution Theory of Nature is a “turning point” in the study of sciences and culture. The publication of his book “On the Origin of Species” in 1895 aroused a revolution in scientific world, which has never been stopped for 150 years. This exhibition will provide a unique vision for visitors to know Darwin through biological sample, documentation, video, interactive-media, live animals, and introduction of his achievement. We will get to know his wisdom, his individual life, and Darwin’s unusual experience which fostered the creation of his foundational theory.
     Considering this is the first exhibition from abroad in Xinjiang, we believe it will also bring great social influences besides economic profits. 
     Translated by Chen Xi