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The Kashihara Archaeological Institute (Nara Prefecture, Japan) and the Institute of Archaeology (CASS) Sign Agreement for Academic Cooperation and Exchange

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-11-27



    A delegation from the Kashihara Archaeological Institute in Nara Prefecture, Japan, visited the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Archaeology from November 9 to November 12, 2009. The visiting delegation was led by Professor Sugaya Fuminori, who was joined by Terasawa Kaoru, the manager of the General Affairs and Planning Department at the Kashihara Archaeological Institute, and Research Fellow Ban Yasushi. General secretary Qi Zhaoye, Director Wang Wei and Deputy Director Bai Yunxiang from the Institute of Archaeology (CASS) met with the visiting delegation on November 11 to reflect on the accomplishments of their long-standing academic cooperation and to exchange ideas for future exchanges and cooperative projects. The meeting was followed by a signing ceremony, whereby the Institute of Archaeology (CASS) and the Kashihara Archaeological Institute formalized their agreement for mutual academic cooperation and exchange. After the signing ceremony, Professor Sugaya Fuminori was invited to give a lecture on "Byzantine Gold Coins and Persian Silver Coins Discovered in China". 

      The signing ceremony to formalize the academic cooperation and exchange agreement between the Institute of Archaeology (CASS) and the Kashihara Archaeological Institute was held on the afternoon of November 10, 2009, and was presided over by Bai Yunxiang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Archaeology (CASS). General secretary Qi Zhaoye (Institute of Archaeology CASS) and various representatives and department heads attended the signing ceremony. Director Wang Wei and Professor Sugaya Fuminori took the opportunity to deliver their speeches before going on to sign the agreement. Those attending the signing ceremony posed for group photos before raising a toast to celebrate the signing of the cooperative agreement. The ceremony was then brought to a close in a dignified, yet cordial, manner.

      After the signing ceremony, Professor Sugaya Fuminori gave a wonderful lecture in Chinese on the subject of "Byzantine Gold Coins and Persian Silver Coins Discovered in China". He gave the audience a detailed account of the history of his research in Xinjiang and Central and Western Asia as well as a summary of the findings of the long-term archaeological investigations he conducted there. He also highlighted the differences between Sassanid and Arab-Sassanid silver coins and gave detailed descriptions of the ancient transit routes and glassware unearthed in those regions. Professor Sugaya's lecture was praised for its rich and captivating content as well as his original and incisive views on the subject. After the lecture, the audience took the opportunity to exchange and discuss their views with the professor.  (Translated by Kelly McGuire)