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An Indonesia Delegation Visited the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian in Beijing

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-08-31

    According to the Chinese-Indonesia cultural exchange programs, in the invitation of the State Cultural Relic Bureau of China, Hari Untoro Dradjat, the director of the Indonesia History and Archaeology Bureau of the Culture and Tourism Ministry, visited China accompanied with six members from 8th to 13th August, 2010. On 9th August the delegation visited the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian and held a meeting on issues about constructing sister-relationship museum between the Sangiran Early Men Site Museum and the Zhoukoudian Site Museum. The meeting attendees include Gao Xing, the vice director of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Science, Yang Haifeng, the curator of the Zhoukoudian Site Museum, Dong Cuiping, the executive vice curator and Wang Dejun, the vice curator.
    The Indonesia Delegation firstly visited the Zhoukoudian Site Museum and acquired detailed knowledge of its history, exhibition and popularization activities etc. They left approving remarks in the comment books as “I have seen a superb historical and cultural exhibition!” After the visit they had a meeting with directors of the museum.

  On the meeting scholars from the Zhoukoudian Site Museum and the Sangiran Early Men Site Museum made an introduction about the basic situations of their museums respectively, and discussed the details of constructing sister-relationship museum between the two museums. Hereby they agreed as follows:
  Firstly the two sides would make joint effort to establish a coordination committee in the government level; secondly the two sides would set up a work group to advance the cultural exchange, determine its members, draft out a cooperative memorandum, and list the cooperation in the government planning; thirdly the two sides would strengthen cooperation, and facilitate exchanges in archaeological research, protection, development and utilization etc. In 2011 they will seize the opportunity of the opening of the two new museums and hold exhibitions in each other side; fourthly the two sides would establish a system for exchange and training research and administrative personnel. (Translated by Tong Tao)