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Chinese Archaeology signed an agreement with Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-12-02

    The annually journal Chinese Archaeology published by the Institute of Archaeology, CASS signed an agreement on cooperative publication with the Germany Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG at 8:30 am on Nov.19th 2010 in Beijing, marking the new stage of the internationalization of the journal, which has long been an important window of the latest archaeological discoveries and researches in China.

    The German publisher expressed their desire for cooperation with IACASS earlier this year. After several months’ discussion, both sides got to a common view. Mr. Sven Fund, president of Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG and Mr. Anke Beck, head of the Publication Apartment visited IACASS on the afternoon of Nov.17th and met with Prof. Wang Wei, director of IACASS, and Prof. Bai Yunxiang and Prof. Chen Xingcan, vice directors of IACASS. They exchanged the ideas of further cooperation and got a better understanding between each other in a friendly atmosphere. They all joined the signing ceremony for the agreement on Nov. 19th morning. Bureau of International Cooperation of CASS sent their congratulation for the agreement.

    Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG is a famous German publisher with a long history. It started from a bookstore in 1750, and has become a large publisher after more than 200 years vigorously development. For decades, it has been famous for the publishing of high-quality specialist scientific literature including journals, reference books as well as electronic database. Every year, it publishes around 350 new books, around 100 specialist magazines, as well as more than 500 books, 100 journals and increasingly more electronic productions. About 40% of them are in English and cover the fields of archaeology, history, philosophy, theology and religion, literature, philology, medical science, natural sciences, mathematics, law and library science. In June 2008, it launched an internet-based platform – Reference Global (www.reference-global.com), which including e-books, e-journals and databases of different disciplines.