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IA CASS and the University of Aberdeen, UK, formally signed a cooperative research agreement

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2012-07-15


On July 5, 2012, the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IA CASS) and the University of Aberdeen, UK, formally signed a cooperation research agreement at the multifunction hall on the eighth floor of the Institute building. Wang Wei, Institute Director and Professor Dominic Houlihan, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, UK, signed the agreement on behalf of the two organisations. The signing ceremony was attended by many researchers and graduate students from the Department of Scientific Research and the Archaeological Technology Center of the institute as well as by Professor Keith from the University of Aberdeen, UK.

Participants from both organisations briefly described their ongoing studies after introducing themselves and Director Wang Wei welcomed the arrival of Professor Dominic Houlihan and Professor Keith. Beginning with his own practical engagement in archaeological field work, Director Wang presented the current status of the institute’s scientific and technological support project “Researching the Origin of Chinese Civilization” and its implementation, pointing out that a number of techniques from the natural sciences that are being applied in archeology have become an indispensable part of archaeological research. He expressed a desire to work with his counterparts in Europe who are at the forefront leading the world's archaeological research, to continue enriching and strengthening the archaeological contents in the future; and on the basis of this framework agreement to promote the implementation of specific research topics. Yuan Jing, the director of the Archaeology Centre for Science and Technology, also expressed a willingness to strengthen the cooperation with his counterparts at the University of Aberdeen, UK; to explore means of joint efforts to promote the depth of the more cutting-edge topics in archaeological research. The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, Professor Dominic Houlihan, focused on the newly built library of the University of Aberdeen, pointing out that knowledge in digital form are constantly being spread and hoping that this partnership will result in more outstanding research and world-class publications. Professor Keith, recalling the history of collaboration with the Archaeological Technology Center for more than 10 years, spoke highly of the newly built laboratory and hoped to strengthen the cooperation in many fields, such as animal archeology and human bone studies.

The contents of this collaborative research agreement include conducting joint research on animal remains and on the spread of ancient cattle and sheep from West Asia to East Asia; to promote joint research on ancient hygiene and diet – ancient human bones and pathology; to exchange research methods used (especially DNA and the stable isotope techniques) for tracking human migration and agricultural development; the exchange of cultural heritage and expertise in their protection; development of advanced technology in remote sensing; academic exchanges (including post-doctoral and graduate students) from both sides, etc. This cooperative research agreement will enable both sides to promote bilateral cooperation and to carry out more extensive and intensive scientific collaborations. This will surely result in injecting new vitality to our Institute in areas of research innovation, personnel exchanges and technology development, and in promoting the progress of archaeological research in both organisations.    (Translator: Paul Chu)