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Lost sutra returned from overseas to Tibet

From:Xinhua NetWriter:Date:2013-06-13



A ceremony was held in Beijing on Saturday to mark the purchase from overseas and donation of an excerpt of classic Tibetan Buddhist text the "Tripitaka" to a Chinese temple.

The 11th Panchen Lama attended the event at the Tibetan Cultural Museum, with the sutra donated to Tibet's Sakya Monastery.

This excerpt of the Tripitaka has been dated back to the early 15th century, and it is expected to be of great value in studying not only Tibetan Buddhism, but also the history of the Chinese nation.

It was bought by Chen Feng, board chairman of the HNA Group (Hainan Airlines), although further details on its purchase were not revealed.

Zhang Yijiong, vice director of China's Tibet Culture Protection and Development Association, called on more people to participate in protecting, promoting and passing on Tibetan culture.