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Palace Museum seeks to retrieve lost cultural relics

From:CRIENGLISH.com NetWriter:Date:2015-06-26
The Palace Museum, also known as The Forbidden City in Beijing plans to retrieve its lost cultural relics, the museum said in a report on Thursday.
File photo of the Palace Museum. 
In 1933, the war against Japanese aggression forced the museum to evacuate its national treasures to the southern parts of China.
Part of the collections was returned to The Forbidden City at the end of World War II, however, some artifacts remained in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu province and a small collection was evacuated to Taiwan.
This small but high quality collection was kept in storage in Taiwan until 1965, when it again became public, as the core of the National Palace Museum in Taipei.
According to the report, The Forbidden City will establish a list of lost historical artifacts and plans to retrieve them in the coming 10 years.