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Longmen to initiate Internet Plus Cultural Relics Preservation

From:China Daily NetWriter:Date:2015-08-11
Longmen Grottoes, treasure house of ancient Buddhist cave art in Central China’s Henan province, after tasting an initial success in its Internet Plus Longmen smart tourism program, now plans to apply the Internet Plus into its cultural relics protection work.

Experts on cultural relics study and protection from Longmen Grottoes Research Institute met the executive team of Tencent company on Aug 5 to work on the new subject. During the meet, Doctor Li Renju, leader of Longmen Grottoes three-dimensional (3D) digital project showed their achievements on 3D digitalization.

Longmen Grottoes and Tencent work on Internet Plus Cultural Relics Preservation during a meeting on Aug 5. 

Li said that they hope to show tourists the actual conditions of the ancient caves through the platform of Internet. Study and preservation of cultural relics in Longmen Grottoes, an important entry on the World Cultural Heritage list, is a significant task, he said.

According to Li, Internet Plus Cultural Relics Preservation will not only enable the unmovable relics to “move”, but also bring alive the Longmen culture that has lasted for more than one thousand years.