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Ruins of Gaochang civilization being preserved

From:CCTV.com NetWriter:Date:2015-10-08
Archeologists in Xinjiang are racing against time to preserve the ruins of the once majestic city of Gaochang. Last year, the ruins were listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage site, and a crucial part of the ancient Silk Road.
Keeping history alive. These ruined city walls have been standing in the heart of Xinjiang for over a millennium. They've witnessed the ups and downs of many kingdoms, and helped cultivate the unique culture of Gaochang. Doctor Chen Aifeng has been studying the area's fascinating history for nearly a decade. He showed us around sections of the once majestic city.
Relics recovered at the ruins show that people here have used the same language since the city's founding.
Pupils wrote little poems hoping to leave school earlier, while Central authorities passed orders to Gaochang officials, using the same characters that Chinese people can still read and write today.
The Gaochang ruins lie in today's Turpan in the heart of Xinjiang. This vast region, which is now predominantly Islamic, used to be a Holy land for Buddhism. Over the centuries, at least seven religions met here and prospered in the same city.
In the 14th century, the Gaochang city was burned down and abandoned in a bloody siege during the Mongolian invasion.
But throughout its existence, it witnessed the connection of the ancient Silk Road, the spread of new religions and ideas from the west, and most importantly, the founding of Xinjiang's multi-cultural spirit.