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Ancient pottery on display at Hemudu Site Museum

From:China Daily NetWriter: Ruan FanDate:2015-11-17
Hemudu culture (5500 BC to 3300 BC) was a Neolithic way of life that flourished just south of Hangzhou Bay in modern Yuyao city, East China's Zhejiang province. It may be divided into early and late phases, before and after 4000 BC respectively.

Pottery from the first period (5000-3000 BC).

Pottery in Hemudu Site Museum casting beautiful shadows on walls. 
The culture produced thick, porous pottery which was typically black and made with charcoal powder. Plant and geometric designs were commonly painted on it and it was sometimes also cord-marked.

On display is unique charcoal-tempered pottery uncovered at the Hemudu culture site. They can be classified into four periods according to layers in which the pottery was found scattered. Pottery of the first period dates back to 5000-3000 BC, the second 5000 BC, the third 6000 BC, and the fourth 7000 BC.

Potteries at the museum were classified into four categories according to the layers they belong to.

Potteries from the second period (5000 BC).

The pottery on display is one of the many exhibitions at the Hemudu Site Museum. Other exhibitions includes fine artifacts, animal remains, plant remains, and wooden relics.