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Ancient tomb complex excavated at construction site in C China

From:China Daily NetWriter:Date:2016-04-01
An ancient tomb complex has been excavated lately at a construction site in Wen county of Jiaozuo city, Central China's Henan province, according to the local bureau of cultural heritage.
It includes 17 tombs, ranging from China's Warring States Period (475-221 BC), the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 24), Song Dynasty (AD 420-479), to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
A number of precious cultural relics, including porcelain, pottery figurines, and bronze mirrors have been unearthed from the tombs.
Archaeologists said the objects unearthed provide important materials to study the local social and economic status of people who lived there, burial customs, and folk culture.
Archaeologists work at an ancient tomb in Wen county of Jiaozuo city, Central China's Henan province, March 26, 2016. [Photo/VCG]
Photo taken on March 29, 2016 shows pottery jars and figurines.
Photo taken on March 29, 2016 shows bronze mirror and copper coins.

An archaeologist shows two pottery figurines in the shape of animals.

An archaeologist works at an ancient tomb. 

Photo taken on March 29, 2016 shows a bronze sword and copper coins.