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Murals in Hebei to be restored

From:China Daily NetWriter:Zhang YuDate:2017-04-25
Murals at a temple in North China's Hebei province, dating back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), will be properly restored for the first time.

Six experts from Dunhuang, Northwest China's Gansu province who specialize in restoring fresco paintings started the meticulous work at the Shijiazhuang Pilu Temple Museum recently, the museum said.

With an investment of more than 2 million yuan ($291,000), the restoration work will take about a year, during which tourists can still visit the temple, said Biao Jinzhen, deputy head of the museum.

Using typical Chinese brushwork in rich colors, the fresco paintings cover more than 200 square meters and include more than 1000 beautiful images of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

Known as one of the four most important murals in the country - together with the world-renowned Mogaoku Grottos preserved in Dunhuang - they are key historical relics under state protection.