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New Stone Age garbage sites unearthed in Hebei

From:Xinhua News NetWriter:Date:2013-04-29


Archaeologists have unearthed more than 30 pits believed to be New Stone Age garbage sites used by humans 5,000 to 6,000 years ago in north China's Hebei Province.

The pits, various in size, shape and depth, were unearthed nearby an ancient village relics site within the Jialu village territory in Hebei's Zhaoxian County, according to Han Jinqiu, director with the Prehistory Archaeological Research Department of Hebei Provincial Cultural Relics Institute.

Archaeologists found that the pits were not located at the center of the New Stone Age ancient village but nearby, said Han.

A well, a shallow gutter and large quantities of pottery or stone artifact fragments with distinct New Stone Age features were also unearthed at the site.

The New Stone Age, or Neolithic Era, was the last period of the Stone Age. Marked by careful polished stone artifacts, ancient China's neolithic age started about 10,000 years ago.