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Maritime Silk Road site unearthed in Fuzhou

From:ChinaDaily NetWriter:Date:2014-11-18
A part of the city wall relics of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (AD 907-960) were unearthed in Wenru Lane, one of Fuzhou's three lanes and seven alleys in Fujian province in 2011. It showed the former prosperity of Fuzhou's Maritime Silk Road. The whole structure of the city wall and a mysterious site were exposed in November 2014. Wang Wei, an archeology expert, emphasized the importance of the protection of the city wall and appealed to list the city wall relics as an urban relic protection unit.

Fuzhou's ancient city walls once existed for thousands of years. Since the 1920s, many of them have been torn down, except those at Wuyi Square and on Jingda Road.

The mysterious site, located between the Antai River and the city wall, served as protection facilities.

Bowl-shaped bluish white porcelain lamp

A beast-faced eaves title of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (AD 907-960)

The rammed earth floor was three or four meters high and divided into over 40 small floors, according to the archeological team.

Celadon bottle of the Song Dynasty (AD 420-479)

City wall brick carved with characters

Stakes are wrapped with plastic cloth.

A large amount of cultural relics were unearthed, including the city wall bricks, eaves titles and various exquisite porcelains.