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Two fossilized bones of ancient Chinese man found in C China

From:Xinhua NetWriter:Date:2015-07-21
Two fossilized bones of ancient Chinese man who lived some 100,000 years ago have been found in central China's Henan Province, the local institute of cultural relics and archaeology announced on Tuesday.

It is the first time that archaeologists have found two complete fossilized bones of "Xuchang man" near Henan's Xuchang city. Both bones may belong to the same man. Two skulls were found in 2007, according to Li Zhanyang, leader of the archaeological group.
More than 1,000 fossilized animals and stone implements were found at the same site.

The research was jointly conducted by Henan institute of cultural relics and archaeology and the institute of vertebrate paleontology and paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.