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Ancient tombs and kilns discovered in Anhui

From:China Daily NetWriter:Date:2016-09-02
Ancient tombs and folk kilns have been discovered in Nanqiao district, Chuzhou city, Anhui province. More than 50 pieces of funerary objects from the Eastern Han (AD 25-220) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties were unearthed. Among them was a tile carved epitaph from the Qing Dynasty, which is regarded as a fairly precious treasure of its kind first found in eastern Anhui province.

People clean the sludge at the excavation site in Chuzhou, Anhui province, Sept 1, 2016. [Photo/VCG]

Precious tile carved epitaph from Qing Dynasty was earthed in Chuzhou, Anhui province, Sept 1, 2016. [Photo/VCG]

An ancient folk kiln from Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties is discovered in Chuzhou, Anhui province, Sept 1, 2016. [Photo/VCG]

Bricks with decorative patterns are unearthed from an ancient folk kiln in Chuzhou, Anhui province, Sept 1, 2016. [Photo/VCG]