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Colin Renfrew’s visit to IACASS

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Jiang BoDate:2005-07-19

Distinguished Professor Colin Renfrew visited IACASS with his wife on 2nd June. This is his first visit to China after the publication of the Chinese version of his well-known book (co-authored with P. Bahn) Archaeology, theories, methods and practice (fourth edition) in October last year. It is the first foreign book on archaeology published by the Cultural Relics Publishing House (Wenwu Chubanshe) with copyright bought from a foreign publishing house. Translation of the book was organized by the IACASS.
After a short meeting with Professor Liu Qingzhu, director of IACASS, Professor Wang Wei, vice director of IACASS and Professor Bai Yunxiang, vice director of IACASS, Colin and Jenny joined a happy seminar directed by Professor Wang Wei. Deputies of middle-aged and young archaeologists of IACASS, including Chen Xingcan (prehistoric archaeology), Yuan Jing (zooarchaeology), Jiang Bo (Han to Tang archaeology), Zhu Naicheng (prehistoric archaeology), Zhao Zhijun (botanic archaeology), Xu Hong (Xia, Shang and Zhou archaeology), Shi Jinsong (head of Kaogu Press), Cao Nan (editor of Chinese Archaeology), Li Xinwei (prehistoric archaeology), Zhang Xuelian (radio carbon dating), Liu Yu (bronze components analyses) and Guo Wu (Xinjiang archaeology). Topics in the seminar include the origin of Chinese civilization, new archaeological discoveries of ancient capital cities of China, the origin of rice domestication, the emergence of domesticated horse in China, ancient diet and globalization of archaeology.
Colin was very glad to have an opportunity to “discuss leading questions with leading scholars” and considered the seminar the best academic event during his visit. He was strongly impressed by the IACASS scholars for their familiarity with hot topics of world archaeology, their high academic standard, and their fluent English. When agreeably receiving Chinese Archaeology (vol. 1- 4) as a gift, Colin expressed his expectation of more such publications to exhibit the latest archaeological discoveries within China to the world. He finally announced that the knowledge he learned during this visit might be reflected in the fifth edition of Archaeology, theories, methods and practice. 
Colin, accompanied by Wang Wei, Chen Xincan and Jiang Bo, visited the small museum of IACASS after the seminar.
Colin lectured in Beijing University before his visit to IACASS.