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Henan's First Cultural Heritage Day

From: NetWriter:Date:2005-11-29

On the morning of Nov. 26, the first Henan cultural heritage day raised the curtain for two days of various activities in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Sanmenxia and Shangqiu. Henan Provincial CPC Committee and Henan Provincial People's Government have anointed the last weekend in November as the province's cultural heritage day. Such cultural heritage day is the first of its kind in China.

On the same morning, various vehicles and numerous pedestrians blocked the road to Longmen Grottoes. Inside the grottoes were filled with visitors, creating a vivacious view.

The cultural heritage day aims to display a full view of the province's precious cultural heritage, promote the society's understanding and protection of the heritage, popularize the excellent traditional culture of the people, and elevate the public's understanding of the culture of central China.

During the cultural heritage day themed "I love Henan's cultural heritage," about 70 museums, historical and cultural remains and tourism spots including Henan Museum and the Shang Dynasty (1765BC-1122BC) ruins in Zhengzhou, Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, Longting Park in Kaifeng, Yin Ruins Museum in Anyang, and Guo Kingdom Museum in Sanmenxia, were open to the public for free. In the meantime, the province also held exhibitions of precious cultural relics, lectures on cultural heritage, cultural relic appraisal and other activities.
(Chinanews.cn November 29, 2005)