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China to Strengthen International Cooperation in Archaeology

From:Xinhuanet NetWriter:Date:2005-12-15

    China will offer more chances to foreign experts to take part in archaeological research in China and encourage domestic scholars to conduct research abroad, said acultural heritage official.

    At a national conference on archaeology held recently in Changsha, capital of central China's Hunan Province, Zhang Bai, vice director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH), said the administration will send archaeological teams to Pakistan, Kenya, Mongolia, Vietnam and other countries to conduct archaeological research.

    He said that SACH and the State Council have approved 37 Sino-foreign joint archaeological research projects, involving seven foreign countries.

    The subjects of the joint research projects include the origin of agriculture, the origin of civilization, city relics archaeology, religion archaeology and protection of cultural relics.

    Important discoveries made in international archaeological research projects include Yuzhanyan Ruins in Daoxian County of Hunan Province, and in Anyang, central China's Henan Province.