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Beijing to Invest Heavily in Cultural Relics Protection

From:Xinhua News NetWriter:Date:2006-02-19

Beijing has pledged to spend 15 to 18 million yuan (US$1.85 to 2.22 million) to increase safety at its cultural relics sites this year, the Beijing News reported Wednesday.

Beijing will use the funds to remove the serious safety concerns at the 30 cultural relic sites under its protection, including improving fire-fighting equipment, said Yu Ping, deputy director of the Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage.

The administration's director Mei Ninghua acknowledged that although no accidents occurred in the city's cultural relic sites and museums in 2005, they were confronted with grave safety challenges.

Mei said the 17 cultural relic sites were given safety warnings last year must draw up reform plans in 2006.

"If any of them fail to put out reform plans, we will undoubtedly take legal actions," Mei said.