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Four city museums to offer free entry in March

From:Shanghai Daily NetWriter:Date:2008-02-21


Four museums and memorial sites in Shanghai will start a trial next month to offer free entry, Oriental Morning Post reported today.

People can enjoy free visits to Shanghai Museum, the Site-Memorial of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Luxun Museum and the Former Residence of Chen Yun some time in March, the report said.

But the specific date has not been determined, it added.

Under a recent state government notice, all national museums and provincial comprehensive museums under the management of the state department of cultural relics were told to stop charging entry fees this year.

Memorial halls listed as national patriotism education facilities will also open for free from next year.

Before the free entry trial starts, minors, seniors, the disabled and soldiers will receive discounts at all museums in Shanghai, the report said.

People who have bought yearly passes to these museums can get refunds at designated banks, the report added.

It also said organizers may put a limit on daily visits to protect items on dispaly.