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The 11th Conference of China Archaeological Society came to a successful close

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Qiao YuDate:2008-10-28
The 11th conference of China Archaeological Society successful closed after 5 days session on October 25. A new council (the fifth council) of the China Archaeological Society, which consists of 104 members, was elected by the more than 120 delegates. Mr. Zhang Zhongpei was elected as the new president of the council, and Wang Wei (director of IACASS) , Tong Mingkang (deputy director of State Administration of Cultural Heritage ) and Zhao Hui (Head of Archaeological Department, Beijing University) as deputy directors. Chen Xingcan, deputy director of IACASS, was elected as secretary-general. Standing members of the council include Zhang Zhongpei, Wang Wei, Tong Mingkang, Zhao Hui, Chen Xingcan, Xu Guangji, Li Boqian, Guo Dashun, Li Ji, Dong Qi, Qiao Liang, Li Shuicheng, Chen Yong, Cao Jinyan, Sun Xinmin, Yuan Jiarong, Jiao Nanfeng.
The first congress of the fifth council was held on October 26. The conference presided over by Zhao Hui. Zhang Zhongpei first proposed that everyone stand in silent tribute for archaeologists, including Su Bingqi, Jia Lanpo, Yu Weichao, Zhang Senshui and Liu Guanmin. who passed away in the past ten years,  Afterwards, deputy-director Wang Wei reported the preliminary idea on the future work. His main points include: strengthen the relationship between members and the Society's; support group-members to organize academic activities; establish professional committees. Wang mentioned that the annual meeting will be hold every two years, and the next annual meeting will be hold in Harbin in the summer of 2009. The Society will also hold a meeting for commemorating the 100th birthday of Su Bingqi’s at  the end of 2009. The Society will  improve the management of membership fee, creat its webpage on the website of IACASS (Chinese archaeology) and so on. Delegates had a warm extended discussion on these preliminary ideas, especially on the meeting topic of annual meeting in next year.
     The new councils indicated that the society will make great efforts to improve the development of Chinese Archaeology under the new situation. Please pay attention to our further reports in our website.