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International Symposium Convened in Guangzhou to Discuss the Nanyue Kingdom of the Western Han and Han Culture

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Yang YongDate:2008-12-22

From Dec. 4 to Dec. 6, 2008, the Institute of Archaeology (CASS), Guangzhou Cultural Bureau, Guangzhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, the Preparatory Team for Museum of the Nanyue Kingdom Royal Palace, and Museum of the Nanyue Kings of the Western Han jointly convened an international symposium to discuss the Nanyue Kingdom of the Western Han and Han culture. As an important event related to recent research on the archaeology, history, and culture of the Han Dynasty, the conference has attracted great attention from academia across the world.









The opening ceremony was held in Guangzhou on Dec. 4, 2008. The ceremony was presided by Bai Yunxiang, Deputy director of the Institute of Archaeology (CASS). People who were present and spoke in the symposium include Jin Baoping, Qi Zhaoye, Chai Xiaoming, Long Jiayou, Zhao Nanxian, Xu Yonghong, and Chen Yuhuan, among others. Participants include renown archaeologists and historians such as Huang Zhanyue, Maiyinghao, Zhang Rongfang, and Liu Qingzhu, together with experts and scholars from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China as well as abroad. 

Eighty scholarly papers were submitted to the conference. Liu Qingzhu, Feng Yongqu, and Xiong Shaoming gave keynote speeches concerning archaeology of the Han Dynasty and the new archaeological discoveries in Ling’nan area. There were six panels for presentations and discussions, revolving six themes covering archeological discoveries and research related to the Nanyue Kingdom, Han archaeology and research in Ling’nan area, interactions between the Central Plain area and Ling’nan area, the Silk Road on the sea during the Han, Han archaeology and Han culture, and archaeological excavation and preservation of large-scale sites. Conference participants also visited several sites and museums during the conference, including the Museum of the Nanyue Kings of the Western Han, Guangzhou Museum, Panyu Museum, Palatial Sites of the Nanyue Kingdom, Wooden Water Gate remains of the Nanyue Kingdom, ancient road remains at Beijing Street, and ancient quarry sites at Lianhuashan. The conference ended on December 6. Bai Yunxiang gave the conclusion speech.
The conference marks not only a significant event in pushing forward further archaeological excavations, studies, and preservation as well as  utilization of sites related to this ancient kingdom, it also greatly deepens our understanding of Han archaeology and Han culture in general.   

                                                                               Translated by Wang Yudong