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Academic Seminar on 'Chinese Archaeology in the 30 Years after the Reforms and Open-Door Policy'

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-02-02


    The CASS Institute of Archaeology held an academic seminar entitled 'Chinese Archaeology in the 30 Years After the Reforms and Open-Door Policy' at the Institute's seminar hall on January 15th 2009. Six experts and scholars from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology, Jilin University's Research Centre of Chinese Frontier Archaeology and CASS Institute of Archaeology reviewed and summarised thirty years of developments in the fields of Chinese palaeoanthropology, paleolithic archaeology, prehistoric archaeology, city sites of the Three Dynasties (Xia, Shang and Zhou), archaeology of the Qin, Han and Southern and Northern Dynasties, scientific archaeology, physical anthropology, and molecular archaeology.

    Thirty Years of Chinese Palaeoanthropology and Palaeolithic Archaeological Research
    Presented By : Gao Xing, Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology.
Research Fellow Gao Xing's report consisted of five parts : hot topics in the research of the origin and evolution of mankind; the early peoples of China; the origin of modern Chinese people; the changing behavioural patterns of China's ancient peoples; and new developments in the study of Chinese palaeoanthropology and palaeolithic archaeology.

    Forging Ahead Into the Future, Rebuilding Ancient History : Chinese Prehistoric Archaeology since the Reform and Opening-Up of China
    Presented By : Li Xinwei,  Associate Research Fellow and Vice Director of the Department of Prehistoric Archaeology, CASS Institute of Archaeology.
In his report, Associate Research Fellow Li Xinwei looked back on how China's ancient history was being reconstructed through the study of prehistoric archaeology, placing particular emphasis on the impact that theories of regional typology had had on Chinese prehistoric archaeology in the thirty years since China's reforms and open-door policy. He then shared his prospects for future developments in Chinese prehistoric archaeology.

    Innovation and Breakthroughs : Thirty Years of Archaeology of Central City Sites of the Three Dynasties (Xia, Shang and Zhou).
    Presented By : Xu Lianggao, Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Department of Xia, Shang and Zhou Archaeology, CASS Institute of Archaeology.
Research Fellow Xu Lianggao's presentation dealt with eight excavations on ruins of central cities which the CASS Institute of Archaeology's Department of Xia, Shang and Zhou Archaeology has presided over. This involved a review of the research frameworks and achievements of the past thirty years, using detailed and accurate data to illustrate the breakthroughs and research that had been undertaken at Xia, Shang and Zhou archaeological sites during that time.

    New Developments in Physical Anthropology and Molecular Archaeology
    Presented By : Zhu Hong, Professor and Directory of the Research Centre of Chinese Frontier Archaeology, Jilin University.
Professor Zhu Hong began his presentation with an account of the application of physical anthropological research to archaeology. He then talked about the application of DNA technology to archaeological research, developments in the field, and the characteristics of ancient DNA. He concluded his presentation by highlighting the significance of the study of ancient DNA to archaeological research.

    New Developments and Reflections on the Archaeology of the Qin, Han and Southern and Northern Dynasties.
    Presented By : Zhu Yanshi, Research Fellow and Director of the Research Department of Han to Tang Archaeology, CASS Institute of Archaeology.

Research Fellow Zhu Yanshi began his presentation with a review of research and excavations of Qin, Han and Southern and Northern Dynasty archaeological sites. He presented a number of related case studies to illustrate some of the key research topics in Qin, Han and Southern and Northern Dynasty archaeology of recent years. He concluded his presentation by raising a few points for consideration : How can the archaeological work at Qin, Han and Southern and Northern era sites make clear and definite progress?; How to emphasise the importance of taking action to protect large archaeological sites?; How to make sense of the complex issues and archaeological data dealing with the Han-Jin era?; How to encourage greater academic cooperation?; How to encourage greater cooperation and scholarly exchange within international archaeological circles and promote in-depth research.

    New Developments in Scientific Archaeology in China
    Presented By : Yuan Jing, Research Fellow and Director of the Centre for Scientific Archaeology, CASS Institute of Archaeology.
Research Fellow Yuan Jing began with an introduction to the discipline and methods of scientific archaeology before going on to give an overview of scientific archaeology in recent years. His overview touched upon several key research topics in scientific archaeology, including archaeological prospection, dating, environmental archaeology, physical anthropology, zooarchaeology, palaeoethnobotany, diet analysis, DNA analysis, analysis of material structure and composition, and the application of computer technologies to archaeological research. He went on to highlight the advances and outstanding achievements of Chinese scientific archaeology in recent years. He concluded his presentation with a forecast of developments in the field of scientific archaeology.   

     Translated by Kelly McGuire