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New home for old bones

From: NetWriter:Date:2009-09-15


Three dinosaurs from Chuxiong, Yunnan Province move to their new home in the China Science and Technology Museum north of the Bird's Nest in Beijing. The Yunnan provincial government donated the fossils to the museum for permanent display and they will be open to the public beginning today.

One is a Lufengosaurus huenei – or "Lufeng lizard" – a herbivorous dinosaur, although it had sharp claws, and an especially large thumb claw, and teeth from the lower Jurassic Period (180 million years ago). It is about 7.1 meters long and 2.6 meters tall. It was the first complete dinosaur skeleton mounted in China and a commemorative postage stamp was issued in 1958 to celebrate the event.

Another is a "double-crested dragon" (Dilophosaurus sinensis) fossil, which is 7 meters long, and 2.45 meter tall, also from the lower Jurassic Period. It's one of the earliest known Jurassic theropods, but also one of the least understood and has appeared several times in popular culture, such as in the 1993 film Jurrasic Park.

The third is Chuanjiesaurus ananensis, a sauropod, which is about 27 meters long, 6.5 meters tall, from the Middle Jurassic Period.

Source: Global Times