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IA CASS announces Cao Cao tomb as one of the top 2009 archaeological discoveries

From:CCTV.com NetWriter:Date:2010-01-20


The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has announced the top six archaeological discoveries for 2009. One is an ancient tomb, unearthed in central China's Henan Province. Last month CASS confirmed it was the burial place of the legendary General Cao Cao.

The age of the tomb was proven by its style, size, level, age and relics in particular, the inscribed objects. The method has been used to identify many ancient tombs in China.

According to archaeologists, the discovery is significant because it will shed light on the evolution of burial customs and rituals in China.

Unfavorable weather conditions have temporarily stopped the excavation work, but it'll resume in Spring.

The site is one of 6 honored at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Archaeology Forum. The annual forum has been running since 2002. It was jointly organized by the CASS, the Institute of Archaeology and the Archaeology Press.

The forum was established to encourage academic exchange and promote the development of modern Chinese archaeology as a profession.