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Experts from China and U.S. cure for stone horses

From: NetWriter:Date:2010-05-27
The names for two war horses "Feng-lu-zi" and "Quan-mao-gua" are rarely known except by certain Chinese scholars, but their master is well-known throughout the country.

He was Tang Dynasty's Emperor Taizong... a man who contributed greatly toward building prosperity in ancient China. Unfortunately, the two historic stone sculptures of these horses are sick in the US. Now, a delegation of the best Chinese experts are offering their help to restore the relics in Pennsylvania.

Curing the ancient stone horses isn't any easier than saving a real one. Finding the best treatment started a year ago when experts from the US and China began cooperating. After about ten lab experiments, the restoration has finally entered its most crucial moment. Now, to keep the horses as original as possible, a special stone powder has been brought over from China.

Zhou Ping, Relic Restoration Expert, said, "We've brought the stone powder from Fuping in northwestern Shaanxi province that the stones horses were made of. The stone powder is combined with these tiny glass balls and a special glue to make up the broken parts."

Source: CNTV. cn