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Ministry of Culture to hold activities to celebrate 5th Cultural Heritage Day

From: NetWriter:Date:2010-06-07


With the 5th Cultural Heritage Day coming on June 12th, the Ministry of Culture will hold a series of activities. For example, you can enjoy a Traditional Handcraft Exhibition between June 9th and 17th at the Beijing Exhibition Center.

More than 100 master craftsmen from around the country will gather to demonstrate their extraordinary skills with over 300 pieces of exquisite artware. Elsewhere, Ancient GuQin Masters will perform in schools and universities of Beijing, Chongqing, and Tianjin to share their understandings of music with students. As the traditional Dragon Boat Festival also falls during this period of time... there will be dragon-boat races, sessions on how to make Chinese rice-dumplings and competitions on creating the best traditional sachet... All this will make this year's Cultural Heritage Day more unforgettable. 

Source: CCTV.com