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Museum on 6,000-Year-old Hongshan culture to open in N.China

From:Xinhua News NetWriter:Date:2010-08-16


China's largest museum for Hongshan Culture, an important part of the Neolithic Age, is to open to public on Aug. 8 in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region after three years of construction.

As an aboriginal culture of the Neolithic Age in northern China, the Hongshan Culture existed about 6,000 years ago, covering an area from Chifeng of Inner Mongolia in the north to the northern part of Hebei Province in the south. Remains and major relics of the Culture were discovered in 1935.

The museum, the new venue of Chifeng Museum in Chifeng City, was built at a cost of more than 200 million yuan (29.4 million U.S. dollars).

It will be able to accommodate 1 million visitors a year and host major academic symposiums