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Sydney holds exhibition presenting warriors of China's First Emperor

From: NetWriter:Date:2010-12-07
An exhibition opened in Sydney on Thursday, presenting over 120 objects, 10 of the world-renowned terra-cotta warriors and horses, and significant recent finds from the First Emperor Qin Shihuang's mausoleum located in the province of Shaanxi, northwest China.

This exhibition, starting from Thursday till March 13 in the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, explores the period of Chinese history preceding the Qin Dynasty of the First Emperor, and then establishes his considerable achievements.

Through a display that evokes the actual pits of the entombed warriors, visitors are given an unprecedented opportunity to examine up close the intricacies of these wondrous life-size terracotta. Part of the exhibits are a number of recently discovered objects.

A senior curator of Chinese art in the art gallery told Xinhua that the exhibition is drawn from 13 museums in Shaanxi province, including the Museum of Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses, the Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Institute and the Shaanxi History Museum.

To make it successful, the gallery has spent more than 2 million AU dollars (around 2 million U.S. dollars) on the exhibition, the curator said.

This is not the first time Australia has played host to the warriors. An exhibition in Sydney in 1983 was their first-ever appearance outside China.

The Terra-cotta Warriors were first discovered by farmers underneath a pomegranate orchard in Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi province, in 1974.

Source: Xinhua