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China's earliest exiting collection of Chinese poetry found

From: NetWriter:Date:2011-02-28


Zhaoming Wenxuan is China's earliest exiting collection of Chinese poetry. Recently, a new edition of the collection with comments by a famous scholar of the Qing Dynasty, Li Zhaoluo, has been found in central China's Wuhan city.

The newly found version bound in thread was printed in 1778 during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. The poetry collection was originally completed under the lead of Xiao Tong, the elder son of emperor Wu in Southern Dynasty over 15-hundred years ago. After Xiao Tong's death, he was given the posthumous name Zhao Ming which means outstanding in classical Chinese, so the collection came to be known as Zhaoming Poetry Collection.

The first English translation was published by Professor David Knechtges of the University of Washington in 1996 and contains the first 18 of the 60 sections.      

Source: CNTV.CN
