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The second “Forbidden City Cup" (2010) National Cultural Heritage award announces the Top Ten books

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-04-11

--------“Xipo cemetery in Lingbao" named the best archaeological excavation report

After recommendations, initial expert evaluations and reader votes, the 2010 Top Ten National Cultural Heritage Book Award goes to the "Luxury of Color: Study of gold and silver in Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties" Volume I: "Gold and silver jewelry of the Song and Yuan Dynasties". Also in the Top Ten for the 2010 annual National Cultural Heritage Books are "Ceramic Production, Settlement patterns and Social change: from the early Neolithic to the Bronze Age in Yuanqu Basin" and 8 other books were named as the best individual cultural heritage books. "Northeast Asian Archaeology Anthology" and 26 other excellent books are in the annual national cultural heritage.

Edited by the CASS Institute of Archaeology and the Henan Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics, the "Xipo Cemetery in Lingbao" was named the best archaeological excavation report. The Xipo cemetery is a middle Yangshao cemtery in the heartland of the culture. The first excavation at the cemetery  in 2006 was named in the top ten archaeological discoveries of that year. This report comprehensively describes the  34 graves unearthed in the cemetery and provides basic information; including physical anthropology, diet analysis, starch grain analysis, strontium isotope analysis, human parasites analysis, ancient plant analysis, and pottery residue analysis and other subjects researched.

The second session of the "Forbidden City Cup " (2010) The National Cultural Heritage Top Ten Books contest, from November 19, 2010 "China Cultural Relics News" published after the official launch of the notice. A total of 199 titles were submitted for participation.  (Translator:Marie Kerwin)