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CPPCC Vice Chairman and President of the CASS Chen Kuiyuan investigate the project on the comprehensive survey of the Mongolian origin and Yuan Imperial Mausoleum research

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-06-16

May 10th, 2011: CPPCC Vice Chairman and Vice President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences President Chen Kuiyuan listened to the report on a comprehensive survey of the Mongolian origin and Yuan Imperial Mausoleum research launched by Institute of Archaeology CASS and Hulunbuir local government. Who participated the report included Wang Wei, the director of Institute of Archaeology CASS, Zhang Liping, the Mayon of Hulunbuir city, Meng Songlin, the head of United Work Front Department, Pro. Liu Guoxiang, the head of the Mongolia archaeological team of IA CASS and Pro. Bai Jinsong, the president of Hulunbuir National Museum.

Pro. Wang Wei, Director of the research project introduced to Chen Kuiyuan the background, main contents, implementation method, work method and expected academic results of the project.
Mayor Zhang Li Ping said that the Hulunbuir CPC committee and the Hulunbuir Local Government strongly support and attach great importance to this project's research and plan to build a modern "Mongolian origin Museum of China" in Hailar district in the centre of Hulunbuir city; carry out scientific excavations and make comprehensive programmes to the related sites of house foundations, sacrifice sites and burial groups discovered in Daxing’anlin woodland and Hulunbuir grasslands; and build 5-8 small site museums which will form a museum group having characteristic of forest steppe region and national identity. These will manifest the historical Status of Daxing’anlin woodland and Hulunbuir grasslands which are regarded as the historical cradle of nomad people and the first peaceful backyard in the Chinese history. These projects will also infuse new energy to the development of the economy, society and culture of Hulunbuir.

President Chen Kuiyuan listened to the whole report and indicated that launching a comprehensive survey of Mongolian origin and Yuan mausoleums in Hulunbuir has extremely important academic value and real significant. Hulunbuir is located in the Northeast frontier of China mainland, has an extensive territory with profound culture base, and also the agglomeration of the Mongolian, Oroquen, Ewenki, and Daur ethnic minorities. It’s significant to maintain the frontier stability and ethnic solidarity by means of many comprehensive multidisciplinary research and exhibition of ethnic minorities' cultural heritage. Mongolian has very long history and glorious culture, and holds its own status in world history. This project's research will identify Hulunbuir's status as the birthplace of Mongolian, and prompt Hulunbuir to become the worship place of Mongolians people. President Chen Kuiyuan agrees that this project should be incorporated with the innovative project of Chinese Academy of Social Science, and suggests it as national project.      (Translator: Marie Kerwin)