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China creates cultural relic database with help of museums

From: NetWriter:Date:2011-06-17


China has formed a database for cultural relics being stored in the country's museums, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH) said Thursday.

The results of a 10-year national survey of the nation's museums, which was completed around the end of 2010, have allowed China's cultural authorities to compile information on the country's cultural relics into a single digital archive, said Shan Jixiang, the administration's director.

Boasting 1.66 million entries with more than 3.86 million pictures, the database includes details on every cultural relic in China's museums.

The name, age, size, weight and level of priority in terms of protection of any given relic can be easily found in the database, Shan said while addressing a meeting concerning the project.

The central government spent a total of 200 million yuan (30.86 million U.S. dollars) to conduct the survey, which involved the participation of nearly 10,000 cultural heritage professionals, Shan said.

Noting that while the database serves as a scientific tool for the protection of China's cultural heritage, Shan said it will also facilitate the country's utilization of cultural heritage resources and the development of its museums.

Source: Xinhua