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Ancient Chinese navigator Zheng He on stamps

From: NetWriter:Date:2011-07-15


The annual Trans-Asia Zheng He Festival kicked off in Kunming on Monday. As part of the international cultural tourism event, one stamp collector is showing about eight-thousand stamps and attracting a lot of visitors in the process.

The stamp exhibition presented by Jin Feibao(金飞豹) is free to the public all week. In the 6 hundred-square-meter exhibition hall, there are stamps from more than 230 countries and regions. The stamps all focus on the great Chinese navigator, Zheng He, who developed maritime trade routes more than 6 hundred years ago.

"This limited series of post cards with stamps marked the 580th anniversary of Zheng He's maritime expeditions. This souvenir sheet of stamps is very representative and celebrates the 600th anniversary. There are also stamps from Hong Kong and Indonesia... Here is the only series of stamps Africa has for Zheng He's maritime expeditions."

Zheng He successively led his fleet on diplomatic missions to Asian and African countries for seven times. His great contributions in the area of cultural exchange between the east and west can be seen through these stamps.

Jin has collected a great variety of stamps. Part of his collection was obtained while traveling to different countries and regions in the world. Others came through exchanges with other collectors.