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Neolithic Dashuidong cave site found in Jiangyou, Sichuan

From: Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Hu ChangyuDate:2005-12-14


The Sichuan Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics, with the cooperation of the Mianyang City Museum launched an excavation at the Dashuidong cave site near the Hanfeng Village, Dakang Township, Jianyou City in this October, which exposed a 200 sq m large relatively level area 26 to 36 m from the cave mouth facing to the south.

Majority of the 611 ceramic sherds are made of fine sandy clay, fine clay or sandy clay and gray in color. Some are yellow-brown or red-brown in color. Some have polished black surface. Surface decorations include the cord pattern, the concave lines and the stamped patterns. The pot is the only recognizable vessel type. It usually has a flared mouth, a round or square rim, a high neck, a level bottom. Some have an attached clay lace near the mouth. Some have a fake ring-foot. The 19 stone tools, including 13 axes, 3 adzes, 2 chisels and 1 spears are all made of chalkstone and totally polished. Other stone artifacts include 118 pieces of whetstones and 29 semi-finished objects. The bone tools, including 5 awls, 1 cutting tools and 4 graves are made of polished animal long bones. and shell ornaments. One shell ornament with three perforations drilled from two sides was also found.

A layer of ash (60 cm at the thickest part) discovered near the east wall of the cave indicates an about 10 sq m large living area there. To the northeast of the living area, is a nearly 50 sq m large area for stone tools making – main of the stone objects were unearthed there.

The assemblage can be dated to around 5000 BP - a time when the ancient Qiang people might start to immigrate into the Chengdu plain. The Dashuidong is just located on the road of this immigration which is significant for the formation of ancient Shu civilization.