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Ancient coins unearthed in Shaanxi

From:Xinhuanet NetWriter:Date:2006-01-09

    Archaeologists in northwest China's Shaanxi Province have unearthed large quantities of ancient coins dating back more than 1,700 years.

    During a recent excavation at a Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) tomb in Pingli County, archaeologists found 259 Wuzhu coins, the common currency in wide circulation during the dynasty, one iron tripod, one pottery kitchen range and three pottery urns.

    The tomb, three meters underground, was discovered during the construction of a plaza. Workers on the spot suspended work and reported to cultural relics conservation authorities.

    The excavated relics are in good condition and of high archaeological value, experts said after initial research.

    Pingli County has unearthed cultural relics from the New Stone Age and various dynasties.